Kent Hovind Faces Same Sentence As Charles Manson: Life in Prison
Kent Hovind Faces Same Sentence As Charles Manson: Life in Prison
Evolution, Tax Evasion, Religion, and The NWO! Kent Hovind Against The Federal Government
The "DOC" defending Dr Kent Hovind does a pretty good job even though I think he missed it in a couple of places but not that bad.. Pete Reilly: Interview with Kent Hovind (edited)
I could see the wisdom from God on Kent Hovind's words. I believe he really was walking in the Spirit.
The clip below is a very important message by Rudy regarding what has happened with him recently as of Feb, 2015, basically showing their hate for Kent Hovind and anyone who radically stands behind him.
US Marshal Earl Jeffers (214-212-4699) is from the gov't and is here to help.
Kent Hovind update BOOTS ON THE GROUND
If this kind of garbage doesn't wake believers up then they MIGHT wake up when the government comes after them.
Illegal Imprisonment of Christians in America | #FreeKent
It is going to take something drastic to wake up Christians in America.
Kent Hovind The Real Reason he went to jail great 15 minutes
This video is excellent showing some of the reasons why OUR government hates Kent Hovind.
Steve Quayle Prays for Kent Hovind on Hagmann & Hagmann show
The two videos below are the latest as of Feb. 10, 2015. It looks as though they are trying to put him out of the picture, legally so-called.
Prison confirms phone access "few and far between" for Dr. Kent Hovind while in isolation.
Kent's cellmate calls to confirm his move to isolation away from phones.
Kent Hovind is moved to solitary confinement. Please continue to PRAY!
Kent Hovind's trusted friend Ernie believes they are trying to KILL him.
Kent Hovind is messing with our government's new world order plans and they must shut him up but it is looking like their plans ARE back firing on them. Kent should not be in prison. IF you are a born again Christian walking in the faith then please pray for this brother. He should be home with his wife.
WBFI Interview with Dr. Kent Hovind (better quality)
I have been keeping up with Kent Hovind's ministry for years. This corrupt government that we live under today is doing their best, worst to kill this brother and his beliefs. He has put the government approved religion called evolution in its place and they were getttng mad so they knew they had to do something so they railroaded him to prison on false charges.
IRS Attacks Kent Hovind With New Charges!
I keep sharing with others how corrupt our government is today. It is CORRUPT to the MAX. Kent Hovind is one of the neatest Christians I know of. This brother loves the Lord Jesus Christ. IT is incredible what our government is doing to this man and he is innocent.
Live jailhouse interview with Kent Hovind on the Manning Report
Another good interview with brother Kent Hovind.
Fight breaks out in cell while Kent is on the phone.
Our corrupt government will pay big time at the hand of God for what they are doing to Kent Hovind. As I have said before, Jesus makes it plain that what we do to those who believe on him is the same as doing it to him. And you don't want to make God mad.
Pete Santilli supports FREEDOM for Dr. Kent Hovind.
Persecution is coming to America for all true born again believers taking a stand for the Lord Jesus Christ.